Saturday, August 20, 2005

March of the Penguins

We just went to see the movie "March of the Penguins." Some are saying it is anthropomorphizing (is that a word?) too much, but I LOVED it. Beautiful imagery, and narration by Morgan Freeman (I love his voice). The penguins with their awkward waddle are so amusing and majestic at the same time! What they do each mating season is phenominal just for the fact that any of them survive. GO SEE IT! It was ninety minutes of awe, sadness, laughing, amazment, and wonder at God's creation. If they made the penguins a bit too "human" I really don't care.


much2ponder said...

Being you are an owl and somewhat related to penguins, maybe 4th cousins or something, maybe you can answer this question...What sound do penguins make? I was wondering if they sing as well.

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

They do sing! Not like songbirds...but they make a loud chirping, trilling kind of noise. And there is a hugh number of penguins at the breeding ground, but the pairs find each other, and the baby's find the parents, by recognizing the individual trilling! It was amazing. To me, it sounded like bedlam, but they actually sorted it out.

Anonymous said...

Mike & I went to see it last week and loved it too. Anyone who has had a pet knows that animals have personalities, emotions & thoughts in addition to an abundance of pure instincts. Reviews that diss this movie because of anthropomorhizing 'just don't get it' as far as I'm concerned! :) Maureen

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

I thought of that too. Anyone who is around animals knows that they have emotions. At least some species do. I swear I could hear a different tone of sadness in the vocalizations when a chick died! It doesn't make them human, and how do we know what a penguin feels, since we can't ask it!? I once had a dog that I KNOW would have spoken if it had vocal chords to do so. That dog had amazing empathy, not to mention I think it had the gift of discerning of spirits. Can a dog have that? :-)

Years ago I read a great little book, "Arnie, the Darling Starling." Can't remember who it was by, but the woman was a widow and one day this little starling (just an annoying little pest of a bird) flew to her windowsill. The book chronicles her days with her new friend...amazing book. Clearly the bird had emotions and thoughts as well as instinct.

Anonymous said...

Starlings get a bum rap. They're related to myna birds and are very smart, very comical and entertaining to watch. We have them here in Ottawa (but I think they're pretty much all over North America). I like them. Maureen