One movie I can watch over and over is "White Knights." Love it...not sure why. You haven't seen it? It's a chick flick, I guess, but a good one with good dancing. It's old, but sort of timeless.
2. Likewise, what book?
Almost any book will do. "Wind in the Willows' comes to mind. I can read that children's book again and again. I really do love the classics, and I have a nice set on my bookshelf, so when I just want to read for comfort and not great insight, etc. I can read something from Mark Twain any time, and not feel I have to read the whole book if I don't want to. It's not as if I don't know how the stories end!
3. What foods do you tend to cook/eat when it gets cold?
Soup. I never make soup in warm weather, but as soon as it starts getting chilly I start making chicken soup, potato soup, split pea, stew...we eat LOTS of soup in the winter months.
4. What do you like to do if you get a "snow day" (or if you don't get snow days, what if you did)?
Listen to music. If Ken isn't home I can crank it. LOL Or sometimes a snow day is a good time to scrub the floor or clean out a closet.
5. Do you like winter sports or outdoor activities, or are you more likely to be inside playing a board game? Do you have a favorite (indoors or out)?
Inside for me, thanks. We love all kinds of games, though we don't play them as much as we did when the kids were still at home. Lots of favorites...hmmm...we love to play Mah Jong, and we have an antique set. I think there's a picture of it on this blog somewhere. We like card games, Clue, Scrabble, Perquacky. Yep, good thing since we live in Wisconsin.
I agree on soups. I haven't heard of "White Knights" and need to find out more about it. Thanks for this FF.
:-) I made loads of soups in the summer due to veggie glut! What is Perquacky???
White Knighgts has M. Barishnokov doing ballet and the late great Gregory Hines doing tap, and a lot of dance in between the two. Basic plot is that a Russian dancer who defected to the West is on a plane forced to land in Soviet territory. He is taken to an apartment where an African Americn lives with his Russian wife. The Russiand intend to make the dancer part of the Bolshoi again. He just wants to get out of the Soviet Union. The big question: can he trust the American? It is not a great plot, but the dancing is marvellous.
Oh, Perquacky is a sort of word game. I love word games! You have little dice with letters on them and you make a crossword as quickly as possible. Doesn't sound like much, but I like it more than Scrabble. Hard to find in the stores however.
loved this FF, Singing Owl -
answering was good reminders - get out the crockpot and pick up the soup ingredients! thx for posting!
added some trailers of my fave movies which got me in the mood to watch them again :) hope you like them ..
I have not played Clue in that game.
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