Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thankfulness 2010 My House

The picture is of Kris and me, cooking Thanksgiving dinner in my kitchen when she was pregnant with Trinity.

I am not delighted with my house. It is a small ranch-style house. Every room in it is a bit too little, especially since we now share it with a wheelchair-bound relative and his two dogs.

I complain about the galley kitchen. The bathrooms are cramped. Our king size bed pretty much fills up the master bedroom.

I awoke this a.m. to a news story on PBS about families in Egypt. Things have not gone well there for "middle class" people under the current administration, much less the poor. We heard the story of one couple whose home was buldozed by the government with no warning. They were told to go to a local government office and fill out paperwork and they would be able to move into an apartment. Arriving there, they were told that no such paperwork existed. Along with some of their former neighbors, this couple has been living in a tent for over a year. Not a nice camping tent, either. A tent they put together from blankets from their bed. They are in view of an apartment building with many empty units. They are not allowed to move in. Paperwork.

Today I am feeling grateful for my little house.


DeWayne and Tara Bunch said...

This is a good story, and helps me to be thankful too!

Carol said...

Oh how I can relate! I complain way too much about my old house. My daughter has moved back with her little one, her cat and two dogs. One of which is a huge Bernese Mountain dog, and I own his sister! There's hardly room for us humans. But, I too am thankful when I see those who are living in wretched conditions. At night when I crawl into bed and all is dark, I pull up the shade to a great view of the sky and remember my Father owns it all and it's mine to inherit. Thanks for the reminder. Love and hugs!