Wednesday, April 08, 2009

A Poem in "Everyday Journal"

I am pleased to say that one of my poems, "Father's Daughter" has been published in the Spring edition of The Everyday Journal, part of the website "Everyday Liturgy." The spring issue is titled "Women in Theology."

The journal will be available in print later, but you can check out this edition by clicking HERE. The link to my poem is down a ways in the table of contents, but if you are interested in the topic there is lots of thought-provoking reading.

If you are amused or surprised that a Pentecostal who knows little about liturgy has a poem there--well--I am amused as well. :-) In a good way.


Rev Kim said...

Oh, wow. That's beautiful!

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

Thanks, Kim. :-) One day when I was reading the story of the Gentile woman who approached Jesus (a story I find disturbing), I realized how much I understood a bit of what she must have felt.

My earthly fater never did understand me, dear man though he was. He never acknowledged in any way that his daughter was a minister.

This was painful, as were other experiences with people who simply could not understand why I thought I was called to preach...

But God never shoos us away or calls us to be less than we are!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing the poem and for sharing yourself as well. Learning to walk "ordained" is a journey in our conservative circles. I love His church, even with her obvious shortcomings. He graces me to speak the work of grace -- me -- even a women. What joy!

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

Iris, I recently came across a powerful quote about loving the church even with her flaws. I will likely post it after Easter.

Yes, praise God for using even some who may be considered "the least!"

Lori said...

I have to read the poem later because the magazine is not loading for some reason.

Till then, Congratulations!! It's very hard to get published. Good for you!

Betsy said...

What a wonderful poem...there is an inner strength about the woman and a gentleness about Jesus that you convey beautifully.

Yesterday I was at our diocesan annual renewal of vows. A priest I've known for many years came up to me specifically to tell me that as he looked around, the clergy colleagues he wanted to speak to most were some of the women...the very ones that for many years he thought had absolutely no place in ordained ministry. It's been a while since he had a change of heart and spirit, but it was so touching to have him tell me about it. I think he's still sort of surprised, but in a joyful way. I pray for more people like that, especially in churches that still resist.

Lori said...

Yup, that is one gorgeous poem!